ReceptCocktail with Searoop Magnolia, Juniper, Ginger
Moisten the rim of your cocktail glass with a lime slice. Place a small amount of chili salt on a plate and dip the rim of your glass into it. Chill the glass with ice. Fill the large part of your shaker with 1/3 ice. Attach the other half and fill with 20 ml of Searoop Magnolia, Juniper, Ginger, 30 ml of lemon juice, and 50 ml of tequila or mezcal. Close your shaker and shake briefly and vigorously. If there’s frost on the outside, your cocktail is at the right temperature. Leave the ice in your glass and double strain (using both a strainer and a fine strainer) the cocktail over the ice so no ice shards remain. Garnish with dried lime. Hasta la vista!